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[영어] 영어 에세이 작성하는 방법


by green010809 2024. 5. 2. 19:33





What is the purpose of an introduction?

  1. To introduce the topic
  2. To state the key argument
  3. To indicate the structure

Funnel structure(깔때기 구조)

General Information -> Supporting Statements -> Thesis Statements



[주어진 과제]

1. 글로벌 시민권의 개념(정의, 핵심 구성 요소, 오늘날 세계화된 세계에서의 관련성)

2. 글로벌 시민권과 SDGs의 관련성(어떻게 상호작용과 영향을 미치는지)

3. 기후위기를 글로벌 시민권이 어떻게 틀을제공할 수 있는지


서론 : 글로벌 시민권 간략하게 정의, 논의할 지속가능성 문제 소개

Have you ever heard of the term "glocal"? Glocal is a blend of the words global and local, and can be explained by the phrase "think globally, act locally" (Mihr, 2022). The main keyword in this essay is the global citizen, a person who embodies the glocal spirit. According to Lissah, a global citizen is someone who, as part of the global community, has the right to equal education and a clean environment, and also has the responsibility to respect the rights and cultures of others. They recognize the interconnectedness of everyone and understand the impact their individual actions can have on the entire world (Lissah, 2023). A prime example of an individual’s actions impacting the world is climate change. To tackle this, we need to find individual and community-based solutions and apply internationally agreed standards (Mihr, 2022).


본론 : 글로벌 시민권의 핵심 구성요소, 기후위기 문제에 어떻게 적용

글로벌 시민권 관점에서 취할 수 있는 잠재적인 해결책이나 행동


1. 글로벌 시민권의 핵심 구성요소

Oxfam's global citizenship education curriculum discusses the essential qualities of a global citizen. According to it, a global citizen deeply engages in issues of social justice and equity and enhances understanding and empathy for diverse cultures. Additionally, they understand global interdependence and develop strategies for sustainable development (Oxfam, 1998). Sustainable citizenship, or global citizenship, recognizes the structural causes of socio-environmental issues and deepens participation in democracy and governance through human rights and quality of life improvements (Barry, 2006). Such global citizenship is crucial for effectively addressing global issues and driving positive changes in local communities.


2. 글로벌 시민권을 기후위기 문제에 적용

So, what global issues should a global citizen pay attention to? While there are various concerns such as waste from fast fashion and urban population concentration, climate change remains one of the most alarming threats to our planet and humanity in the 21st century (Ruwini, 2022).

According to a UN report, the world is expected to exceed a 1.5°C temperature increase by 2035 and face warming of 2.5°C by 2100. Additionally, the average global sea level rise rate has doubled over the past decade. Therefore, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emphasizes the necessity for deep, rapid, and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across all sectors starting now and continuing throughout this decade. To keep global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, emissions must be nearly halved by 2030, just seven years from now. (UN, 2023)


3. 잠재적인 해결책이나 행동

We can address these issues by joining climate action networks or communities and maintaining ongoing interest in international issues. According to Dowell (2024), previous indicators of environmental injustice related to toxic pollutants have been poor predictors of greenhouse gas emissions. Instead, the level of belief and interest in climate change within a community is a critical variable predicting the rate of emissions improvements at facilities. Additionally, a study of over 160 U.S. cities found that cities with local or city-based agreements, plans, and partnerships—like local climate action networks—perform more adaptation and mitigation strategies than cities without such networks (Soni et al., 2022). As global citizens with a 'glocal' mindset, we must work to avoid the catastrophic consequences of global warming and ensure a sustainable future for the next generation.


결론 :  위의 내용을 요약하고 개인이나 커뮤니티가 이 아이디어를 실질적인 행동으로 구현할 수 있는 방법 제안

Global citizens deeply explore issues of social justice and equity, and they enhance understanding and empathy across different cultures. They play a crucial role in promoting environmental protection and sustainable development, as well as understanding and leading changes in power structures and governance. To respond to the climate crisis, we can practice 'glocal'—think globally and act locally—in our daily lives. For example, we can organize our emails, refurbish existing clothes instead of buying new ones, and prefer shopping in stores to using online options. We can also encourage those around us to participate in 'glocal' actions. For instance, sharing articles about international issues or visiting vegan restaurants together. We must remember that we are all part of one global community and act together.





Barry, J. (2006). Resistance is fertile: From environmental to sustainability citizenship. Environmental citizenship21, 21-48.

Dowell, G., Lyon, T. Beliefs Matter: Local Climate Concerns and Industrial Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the United States. J Bus Ethics (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-024-05619-w

Lissah, Nyakeh. (2023). Understanding Global Citizenship 1 Understanding Global Citizenship (Discussion Paper).

Mihr, Anja. (2022). Glocal Challenges in the Present and the Future. 10.1007/978-3-031-02108-4_3.

Mihr, Anja. (2022). The Glocal Between the Local and the Global . 10.1007/978-3-031-02108-4_3.

OXFAM Development Education Programme, 1998. A Curriculum for Global Citizenship: A Guide for Teachers and Education Workers.

Ruwini, Rupasinghe (2022). Climate change and zoonoses: A review of the current status, knowledge gaps, and future trends. Acta Tropica. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actatropica.2021.106225

Soni, A., Jose, J., & Kingsley, G. (2022). When cities take control: Explaining the diversity of complex local climate actions. Review of Policy Research, 132.

UN, 2023. The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2023





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